Senior Housing Global Advisors (formerly Senior Housing Investment Advisors).
A Global Perspective for the $275 Billion US Seniors Housing Industry.
SHGA is at the forefront in attracting capital into U.S. senior housing ventures and exporting U.S. capital and knowledge abroad to booming new markets.
Now with Worldwide Reach. Offices and affiliates in New York, Paris, London, Hong Kong. Coming soon to Asia and South America.

Let our three decades
of industry transaction experience
and our worldwide connections

work for you...

Real Estate Advisory Services
Capital Markets Transactions
Strategic Investment Platforms

We currently are working with investors in the U.S, China,
Hong Kong, France, Germany and the U.K.

We know the US & global investment markets.

To maximize value for your assets...

Get to know us. Go to

Let's meet at NIC!

Senior Housing Global Advisors, Inc.
Mel Gamzon, President
Miami, USA
Phone 954-290-1813

Senior Housing Global Advisors